2025 SYMPOSIUM Registration
Registration is now open.
The 2025 AUSA Space: Enabling Multi-Domain Operations Symposium is open to all interested parties, military and civilian government personnel.
Included in your registration fee: Two breakfasts, five-star buffet lunch, poolside reception that includes hearty appetizers, and an afternoon snack break.
AUSA accepts Visa, MasterCard and American Express credit card payments on-line through our secure registration system.
Refunds will be made for those registrants who email Felicia.Campbell@drs.com prior to close of business 25 April 2025. No refunds for cancellations after that date. We will accommodate substitutions as best possible. We will allow registration substitutions up until 19 May 2025.
Receipts for online registration will be sent to the email address listed on the registration. Receipts for attendees registering on site will be available at the registration desk during the symposium.