Space: Enabling Multi-Domain Operations – 2025

29 — 30 May 2025
Long Beach Hilton
Long Beach, CA

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A Professional Development Forum

The Greater Los Angeles Chapter of the Association of the United States Army will once again host a symposium that addresses the Army’s use of Space as an enabler for Multi-Domain Operations. This symposium as become known for bringing together Army, Space Force, MDA, and industry for insightful dialogs on key issues.

Our symposium will include a wide range of participants from the U.S. Army, U.S. Space Command, U.S. Space Force, Space Development Agency, Missile Defense Agency, industry, and academia to ensure a lively and thought-provoking symposium.

Our topics will include:

  • Senior Leaders Fireside Chat on the Role of Space in Multi-Domain Operations, including the new Iron Dome for America initiative and its impact on Space

  • Army Space

  • Sensor to Shooter – Integrating the Space Layer into the Tactical Kill Chain. Space and Space Sensing have traditionally been the realm of Strategic support, whether it was supporting Strategic Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR), Overhead Persistent Infrared (OPIR), Strategic Weather analysis, or Strategic Communications (STRATCOM), space systems were generally focused on supporting strategic analysis. Today that has all changed -Space is now, and must be, tactically relevant and space sensors and sensor-to-shooter kill chains must be dramatically shortened to respond to the current threats. In this panel, we will explore how to best integrate a multi-faceted, multi-phenomenology, multi-layered space layer into the sensor-to-shooter OODA Loop.Offense, Defense and Special Teams – The panel will examine Air and Missile Defense, Transition to Joint Offensive Operations, while incorporating cyber, electromagnetic and Special operations

  • The Network – moderated by LTG (Ret) Susan Lawrence, President and CEO of AFCEA International

  • Technologies for the Next Fight – will focus on what technologies are needed today to enable the capabilities that our warfighters need for the next fight. The panel will discuss improvements to sensors, communications networks, C2 systems and effectors and the challenges to developing and integration those capabilities.

  • Space Acquisition in the Joint Environment – a discussion that will include identifying where innovative approaches are being taken in Space Procurement.

The GLAC AUSA symposium will continue its tradition of meaningful dialogue between the speakers, panelists, and the audience by limiting attendance to 300 participants. The intimate size of the event allows for great interaction between the audience and the panels. 

The intimate size of the event allows for great interaction between the audience and the panels.
We recommend you register early, as space is limited!

Special Events

The Army Birthday Ball – What better way to culminate an outstanding symposium than by staying over for the Greater Los Angeles Chapter of AUSA Army Birthday Ball? For more information on how to purchase tickets, please click here. 

Note: This is a separate event and not included in the symposium registration fee.